GAINSWave is a non-invasive erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment offered at Lively Wellness and Aesthetics in Odessa, TX. Men prefer this clinically-proven, non-surgical ED treatment method over pills for a number of reasons, including its efficacy. Today, our goal is to help you decide if this treatment is right for you by giving you the lowdown on everything you need to know about it.
What Is the Success Rate of GAINSWave?
Over 30 clinical studies have shown that GAINSWave has a success rate that exceeds 75%. The treatment of erectile dysfunction is accomplished without surgery thanks to soundwaves that are simultaneously low in intensity and high in frequency. These soundwaves penetrate the skin of the penis painlessly, improving circulation by facilitating the growth of new blood vessels. Additionally, it improves circulation by eliminating plaque buildup in the existing blood vessels.
What Benefits Can I Expect From This Treatment?
The benefits derived from treatment with this highly effective device depend on the symptoms you were experiencing prior to treatment. Generally, men who undergo this non-invasive treatment can expect better sexual performance, much more penile sensation, and far stronger orgasms. Additionally, men can generally expect spontaneous full erections.
How Soon Can I Expect To Enjoy My Results?
The number of GAINSWave treatments you can expect to need will be discussed during your initial consultation. Most men need between six and a dozen treatment sessions to treat their erectile dysfunction satisfactorily.
Typically, only one or two treatment sessions is necessary to start enjoying results, though. Since it takes time for your body to grow new blood vessels, you can generally expect to start seeing your results four to six weeks after your first session. It is also typical that full results can be enjoyed after 4.5 months depending on several factors, including how many sessions you need and how far apart those sessions are scheduled.
How Long Can I Expect My Results To Last?
Unfortunately, vascular weakening is a natural part of the aging process that cannot currently be halted. Therefore, you shouldn’t expect permanent results. However, you can expect results that last a lot longer than any pill on the market. Most men can go approximately two to three years between treatment sessions.
How Effective Are ED Pills?
ED pill efficacy varies, but several clinical trials have shown that they can produce an erection that is adequate for sex 70% of the time. In other words, GAINSWave is more effective for the treatment of ED caused by poor penile circulation.
Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment?
If you struggle to achieve or maintain a full erection due to poor blood flow, you will probably be considered a good candidate for this ED treatment. To verify that this treatment will be effective for you, it is imperative that you speak with a medical professional about your symptoms so that the cause of your condition can be ascertained. If your ED is caused by such factors as excessive alcohol consumption, chronic stress, or anxiety, this treatment won’t be effective.
Am I Too Young for Treatment?
If you are an adult, you are not too young to benefit from this treatment. Typically, men don’t start suffering from erectile dysfunction until they’re in their mid-40s. However, men in their 20s and 30s can suffer from sexual dysfunction.
Usually, younger men develop circulation problems due to tobacco or excess alcohol consumption or a sedentary lifestyle. This treatment is ideal for such men. This treatment is also ideal for men in their 20s or 30s who suffer from sexual dysfunction due to a poor diet, acute injury, or chronic injury. Moreover, regardless of your age, this treatment can benefit you if you suffer from Peyronie’s disease.
Do I Suffer From Peyronie’s Disease?
Peyronie’s disease symptoms vary, but you may suffer from this disease if you experience chronic penile pain or acute pain during sexual intercourse. You also may suffer from this disease if you have noticed penis shrinkage or a deformity, like curving upward, downward, or to one side. Sexual dysfunction and erectile dysfunction are other common symptoms of this disease.
Am I Too Old for GAINSWave?
No, you are not too old to receive this treatment if you are interested in enhanced erections and stronger orgasms. It is not uncommon for men to experience a lower libido in their 30s and 40s as they are too busy raising children and investing significantly in their career. If you’re in your 50s or 60s and find that you have the time and inclination for a robust sex life now, you are the perfect age to get this treatment.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today
GAINSWave has been clinically shown to be effective for the treatment of erectile dysfunction over 75% of the time. It does this thanks to the application of highly advanced soundwave energy leading to new blood vessel growth and eliminating built-up plaque impeding blood flow in old vessels. Contact us today at Lively Wellness and Aesthetics in Odessa, TX to schedule your initial consultation and find out if this non-invasive ED treatment is right for you.