MicroNeedling Therapy – by using fine needles to create controlled skin injury, the body will produce collagen and elastin to improve the texture and firmness of the skin. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Lively to discuss if this treatment is right for you.
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) – by using platelet rich plasma, we can induce treatment for bone strength and aid in the production of collagen to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles for smoother, younger-looking skin. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Lively to discuss PRP treatment today.
- Acne Treatments – we can provide you with a number of treatments and solutions to help you get control of your frustrating acne condition.
- Aging Skin – if you have loose, wrinkled, or flabby skin, Dr. Lively and his team can discuss options available to you for tighter, younger looking skin.
- BOTOX – a Botox treatment can be used to relax the underlying muscles that normally contract and cause the appearance of wrinkles.
- Cellulite Treatments – we can help with the appearance of cellulite, with results apparent in 8 -10 sessions for patients in good health and with realistic expectations.
- JUVEDERM – Dr. Lively can perform Juvederm wrinkle filler treatments to give you smoother, younger looking skin.
- Laser Hair Removal – perfect for men and women, we can provide you with a permanent solution to unwanted hair with our electrolysis methods.
- Laser Lipolysis – we can use laser technology to get rid of those stubborn pockets of fat that no amount of exercise will erase.
- Laser Skin Resurfacing – we offer laser treatments that will erase years and even decades from your skin’s appearance.
- Laser-Toning – this process will gently stimulate the production of collagen while also protecting the skin’s outer layer.
- Smart Lipo – if you are in good health and meet other criteria, Smart Lipo treatment might be the answer you need for unwanted excess fat.
- Lunchtime Facial Rejuvenation – taking very little time and no recovery period, this procedure is perfect to address the earliest signs of aging.
- Microdermabrasion – this process can help to remove dark blotches and other signs of aging from the skin.
- Photo Rejuvenation – your skin suffers the effects of the sun, wind, and hormones over time. Using intense light, this procedure can help to erase these signs.
For more information, contact our office in Odessa today!