
How Weight and Male Infertility Are Linked

The cause of male infertility is not always clear. Often, reduced sexual function can be the result of a combination of factors ranging from physiological to psychological. However, one factor that is frequently linked to problems with fertility in men is weight.

Weight can affect the body in a variety of ways, from energy levels to cardiovascular health. It may surprise you to know that weight can also affect fertility in men.

At Lively Wellness & Aesthetics, we help men all over Odessa, TX, improve their sexual health and regain function through our evidence-based, effective male infertility services. If you are looking to restore your sexual health, it can help to first understand how weight is linked to male infertility.

Male Infertility and Weight at a Glance

Male infertility refers specifically to the inability to conceive a child. Yet the causes of male infertility are less cut and dry; anything from lifestyle choices to chronic health problems or injuries could cause male infertility. There often aren’t other signs or symptoms unless the infertility is associated with a separate underlying problem like a hormonal imbalance.   

With obesity rising across the country, it’s no surprise that there’s a correlation between gaining weight and overall health. But there’s a much more significant link between being overweight or obese and being able to conceive a child than many people realize.

BMI and Infertility

The higher BMI a man has, the more likely he’ll have a lower sperm count. Overweight men are also at higher risk of having a hormonal imbalance. Too much body weight causes the hormone testosterone to transform into estrogen. Men with higher estrogen levels are less likely to produce sperm.

Obesity or being overweight doesn’t necessarily make a man entirely infertile. However, there is a direct link between male infertility and weight; the more overweight you are, the higher your chances of having male infertility. Diabetes can also cause erectile dysfunction and potentially infertility by proxy, adding another potential link to the chain between weight and sperm efficacy.

Causes of Male Infertility

Many factors can cause a man to be infertile, with age and weight being two prominent ones. While men cannot control their age, there are measures you can take to help improve your performance as you get older. 

You may have heard about infertile men having a low sperm count. This means that while the man still produces sperm, the concentration isn’t enough to fertilize the egg reliably. Low sperm count can also be linked to obesity and other environmental and lifestyle factors.  

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be one of the more challenging causes of infertility in men, but fortunately, it’s also one of the simplest to address. Erectile dysfunction can present itself in many ways, including having fewer erections or a less firm penis. 

While certain medical conditions can mean the body isn’t able to send enough blood to the penis to sustain an erection, it’s also one of the few conditions linked intrinsically to your emotional well-being. Guilt, anxiety, stress, and other emotional states can all affect your sexual health. 

This emotional response can have a more pronounced effect on those who are overweight or obese. Combined with the challenges that a higher BMI can pose, adding emotional health obstacles can impact male infertility even more significantly. 

Addressing Signs of Infertility in Men

Are there individual signals that can help you know when it’s time to seek a male infertility treatment? Even if you are overweight or obese, it’s not always easy to tell if the excess weight is causing infertility. 

Some other signs that you could need treatment include:

  • Difficulty ejaculating or producing a smaller volume of ejaculate
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Other signs of sexual dysfunction or penile issues

Managing your weight can be an effective way to improve your sexual function. However, there are other ways to help you increase your sex drive and ability to hold an erection as well. 

Acoustic Wave Therapy

We offer services for men of all ages to help them achieve harder and more long-lasting erections, which can improve their libido and give them a better chance at conceiving a child. For example, we offer acoustic wave therapy for men struggling with ED. 

Our acoustic wave therapy treatments provide a safe, non-invasive way to stimulate tissue in the penis. Using soundwave technology, this therapy can increase blood flow, remove micro plaque, and even stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. Acoustic wave therapy is also generally safer compared to other treatment options, such as prescription medication.

In addition to helping with ED, acoustic wave therapy can also benefit men who struggle to achieve orgasms and experience painful erections. Known as Peyronie’s disease, this condition happens due to the buildup of scar tissue in the penis. 

Acoustic wave therapy can reduce pain associated with this condition and increase both neurological and vascular tissue growth. The sound waves can help to break up this scar tissue without an injection.

Take the Next Step Toward Restoring Your Sexual Health

Experiencing changes in your body is common, but there are options that can help you regain your functionality. The effective treatments we offer at Lively Wellness & Aesthetics in Odesa, TX, can address erectile dysfunction and improve your sexual health. 

If you have ED or other issues that could warrant a male infertility treatment, consider trying acoustic wave therapy. This treatment is medically proven to aid in improving penile functionality, helping you get a handle on your sexual health. Schedule your consultation with us today to learn more. 

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