
Take Charge of Your Masculinity with the P-Shot

Most men consider their performance in the bedroom to be a big part of their masculinity. If you have found that your body is not responding or performing in the way that it used to, have hope. The P-Shot® is a great way to counteract the effects of age. It is great for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, as well as those who are simply looking for a way to take their performance in the bedroom to the next level.

Priapus – God of Fertility

The P-Shot® is a commonly used abbreviation for the Priapus Shot. Priapus was a Greek fertility god. He was also in charge of gardens, fruits, livestock, and the male genitals. It is easy to see why a shot designed to restore sexual function for men is named after a god who was associated with these things! This treatment was named by Dr. Charles Runels, the man who created it and was the first one to try it.

What is the P-Shot®?

The P-Shot® is a treatment that uses PRP to regenerate and strengthen the tissues in the penis. PRP is an abbreviation for Platelet-Rich Plasma. This is a substance that is derived from your own blood. On treatment day, a small amount will be taken from your body to be spun in a centrifuge. It will be separated into red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The platelets are full of growth factors, which are essentially little triggers for cell growth and renewal. These growth factors are also known as cytokines and chemokines. From there, the PRP solution can be injected into the treatment area.

What Can the P-Shot® Do for You?

Most men love their results with this treatment. After having it done, they report:

  • An easier time achieving erections
  • An easier time maintaining erections
  • Erections that are firmer and stronger
  • Increased sensitivity in the penis
  • Increased blood flow to the penis
  • An increase in penis length and girth

If you suffer from Peyronie’s Disease, know that the P-Shot® can be used to help. This condition is caused by plaque forming in the penis, causing it to curve when erect. While most men are still able to have sex, they are often dealing with some degree of erectile dysfunction and pain. The P-Shot® can help improve the health of the tissue in the penis and increase blood flow, effectively reducing or stopping the dysfunction or pain.

Who is a Good Candidate for the P-Shot®?

There are many different groups of men who should consider this amazing treatment. They include:

  • Men with erectile dysfunction: Many men have found prescription medications ineffective. The P-Shot® has an amazing track record when it comes to tackling this issue. It can also work in conjunction with medications to make your results even better.
  • Men wanting to increase their penis size: The extra tissue growth has been known to help the penis grow in both length and girth. According to one study, some men have been lucky enough to see growth between 10 and 20%! Like with most things, results will vary from person to person.
  • Men who have a history of prostate cancer or diabetes: Certain medical conditions can restrict the amount of blood that flows to the penis. Since increasing blood flow is one of the main things that the P-Shot® does, it is easy to see how it can help.
  • Men who want to increase their bedroom abilities: Many men take pride in their ability to get and maintain an erection. When these abilities suffer, confidence also tends to take a hit. By increasing stamina and how easy it is to get and maintain an erection, men can take charge of their masculinity.

What to Expect with the P-Shot®

Many men are reluctant to even consider having an injection into this sensitive area of the body. It is important to realize that numbing agents can be applied prior to your treatment. Most men report this treatment to be completely tolerable. There is no set downtime after your treatment, allowing you to return to your normal life right away.

Results can often be felt immediately as blood flow increases to the area. These improvements will continue to develop over the following weeks and months as the growth factors do their job. You can continue to enjoy these improvements for quite a while. When you notice the results diminishing, a maintenance treatment can be scheduled.

Learn More About the P-Shot® During a Consultation

If you are done dealing with being unhappy with your bedroom performance, get in touch with our team at Lively Wellness and Aesthetics so that you can get all the facts about the P-Shot® and what it can do for you. Contact us today to book your appointment at our office in Odessa, TX. We look forward to hearing from you!

Gregg Bessette

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